Houston, We have a problem

Today is a somewhat unique day for us.  My wife got a call to substitute teach at our kids school for today.  I am also scheduled to start nights tonight.  I told her to take the job, planning that I would get a good nap in the afternoon.

Home alone with the two younger kids, I decided it would be great for us to go for a run. We are experiencing our January thaw, so the temps are warm and the weather is mild.  There was plenty of melting yesterday, and I knew ice would be something to keep an eye on.  We needed the run anyway.

I pulled out the jogger (not the once that trails the bike.  This one is bigger and easier to use when I have two kids with me.)  Step one, inflate the tires.  I got myself dressed and ready to go while my daughter got herself ready.  She helped me get her younger brother ready.  With the tires fully inflated and everyone ready, I started the running app on my phone.  We set out carefully down the sidewalk.  I hit the trail and opened the throttle.

I was thrilled that the path was clean and limited ice.  I suddenly remembered that I was more interested in distance than speed, so I slowed a bit.  I kept pushing, but balanced a few times of walking.  One of those walking breaks, at a point that I couldn’t simply turn around and head back (pretty much halfway around the zoo which was between us and our house) I realized that one of the tires was not right.  It was coming off the rim.

Running was no longer a good idea.  Both of the kids had fallen asleep.  The bad wheel was on the side of my daughter who is heavier.  I was concerned that I may need to wake her and have her walk.  I avoided putting any extra pressure on the wheel and kept a steady pace to our door.  I was thankful we had made it without any further problem.

I got the kids inside.  Both woke up at that point.  I got them out of the winter outerwear.  I then went out and pulled off the wheels.  Both of the back wheels were off.  I could now see how bad the wheel was.  It was a miracle that we got home.  After about five minutes in the house the tire blew.  The tare in the tube is about four inches long.  I quickly deflated the other wheel to make sure the same wouldn’t happen.

I use the Apollo reference as that is kind of what I felt like.  Everything seemed just fine starting out.  Out of nowhere comes a major problem that I had to nurse until safely arriving home.  That is after having given up on the mission itself (distance).  Overall, I can’t complain as I was able to hit the trail for a bit today.

So after my youngest got the nap in the jogger, he doesn’t want to take a nap this afternoon (giving me time to write this blog).  This means I’m not getting that nap I was looking forward to and I will be living on a prayer for work tonight.  Perhaps I can squeeze in a quick run to wake myself up in the middle of the night.  (Stay tuned 🙂

I’m sure others out there have a “fail” story.  What is it and how did you handle it?

Do you run with Kids?  What is your method of having the kids with you?

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